Sunday, August 30, 2009
It's time to deal with global pollution
Liberals hate mankind. As far as they are concerned, mankind should be exterminated because we are damaging planet earth, known to many of them as the Greek goddess Gaia. Libs love population control, except if it means exterminating their families of course. Libs love abortion, human killing research and early death, unless, of course, it concerns their families.
Liberals shine when it comes to saving animals and trees. 'Tree huggers' stand for animals and vegetation and put their lives on the line for them. The pro-life community would benefit from studying and copying their methods. In California, people rising up to protect a minnow have shut down entire farming communities, which has affected thousands of lives and livelihoods.
I'm not saying I support all the eco-insanity, after all, we can easily extract oil from the Gulf of Mexico and from ANWAR without damaging the environment. For the most part though, as much as I hate to say it, the liberals are right when it comes to the environment and the planet earth.
Let's face it, there's only so much earth, there's only so much air and there's only so much sky. We are pouring millions of tons of pollution into the air and dumping tons of pollution in the sea every single day. Where do we think all this garbage is going to go? Do we think some fairy is going to come along and *poof*, it's all gone?
What happens is we breath it in and ingest it, the animals we eat breath it in and ingest it and the rest of the animals and plants in the world breath it in and ingest it. In some cases, like the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which is the size of Texas & floating between Hawaii and San Francisco, and the 'Brown Clouds' of Asia, pollution is so obvious it smacks us right in the face. In other cases, the particulates are so small we absorb them through our skin and into our lungs.
Folks, it's time to deal with global pollution. If Republicans don't get serious about this topic, they are going to make Democrats look real good in the near future, because they will be the ones saying "I told you so", and they will be right.
Some of you in the pro-life movement will ask me "what the heck are you doing talking about this nonsense, I thought you were pro-life?". I am, what good is life if you aren't alive to live it?
Coming soon, are genetically modified organisms good for us? Do you even know what they are? You probably aren't aware that almost all the food we eat now is genetically modified!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Republican, Christian, Conservative and Pro-Life Unity
I've been a registered Independent since the day I set foot on America's soil 29 years ago. I can't remember voting for a Democrat or Independent once. I wonder why?
Some in America believe it's time to kick out all the representatives and start over. I don't think it's that bad. I know there are some Republicans who smell like RINOs, but I also believe most of them are decent people, who with a little nudge here & there can serve us as representatives, not dictators.
Let's face it, Obama and the POD is in full swing and they are killing Americans by the millions. The health care plan will increase that number substantially as the disabled and the elderly are culled from our population.
Are you a Republican or conservative? Are you doing anything physical to stand against abortion and / or human killing research? If you are and are not, than you are part of the problem. Please, I'm begging you. We need to come together. We have to work together to make things happen. We need you, you need us, and the unborn, disabled and elderly need us all.
Please, do something today. Don't be too busy. Pro-Life isn't just for Pro-Lifers.
Pro-Life Unity
United we stand - Divided they die
Pass it on
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The Not So Silent Majority is Here
Disgraced former Vice-President Spiro Agnew coined the phrase “The Silent Majority” back in the late 60s to describe conservative, middle-class, white Americans. A new Silent Majority is emerging and it’s not necessarily conservative, middle-class, or white; and it is definitely not silent.
This not so Silent Majority ranges from average working Americans to senior citizens to health care professionals and they are showing up and making themselves heard at health care Town Hall Meetings all over the country.
These folks want answers and all they are getting from the Obama administration is accusations of being organized mobs and intimidation by union thugs.
Mr. President, instead of jack-booting and Presidential contempt, how about giving us the answers we want.
Explain to us how you can cut $500 billion from the already bankrupt Medicare program to help pay for your government takeover of our health care without cutting services to senior citizens. Tell us why we should trust the government to run our health care system when they have already failed miserably with Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Explain to us why you feel a $544 billion tax hike is justified to pay for less than a third of the projected cost of government controlled health care.
Mr. President, as more and more members of the not so Silent Majority begin to see how truly radical and dangerous you are, they sense that we are at a tipping point that, unchecked, will precipitate the demise of our Republic.
Mr. President, please explain to the American people how you could appoint an absolute nutcase like John Holdren to the office of Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, or Science Czar. Tell us why we should have confidence in your ability to make good decisions when you appoint a Science Czar who has written extensively on his utterly insane views, some of which are as follows:
1. Individuals determined to be “undesirables” should be forced to have abortions or be sterilized.
2. Infertility drugs should be placed in the nation’s water and food supplies to limit population growth.
3. A Planetary Regime should take control of the world’s economy and enforce this policy with an international police force.
Members of the not so Silent Majority aren’t asking for anything special; as a matter of fact, our needs are quite simple. All we want is the freedom to make our own decisions regarding our health care. All we want is the government to leave us alone, and let us make our own choices in life and accept the results of our choices. All we want is to keep more of our own money and make our own decisions as to how we spend it or to whom we give it. All we want is to exercise our God given rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without Big Brother looking over our collective shoulders.
Mr. President, may I suggest that you bone up on the writings of Thomas Jefferson. I suggest you study the following passage: “I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.”
Taken from Right Squared