Thursday, September 3, 2009

GOP is now acting like Democrats where healthcare is concerned

I don't care if it is a GOP idea. It's not conservative. Conservative means conserving the original ways. To create a ridiculous "Bill of Rights" for seniors (or for any group) is outlandish. On top of that, it is a disgrace to the true Bill of Rights. Here's a message for Michael Steele and all the republicans who sign on to this:

Rather than acting like democrats, cowtowing to special interest groups, why don't you grow some cojones and behave like men and women who love America?

America is not a mass of people. America is not a collection of 50 states. America is an idea that all people should be free. That government intervention--especially at a federal level--should be minimal. That We, the People, can live our lives without some fat, bloated bureaucrat drunk on the wine of his own power telling us what we should and should not do.

A "Senior Health Care Bill of Rights" is not an answer to Obama's socialized medicine. Labeling that silly piece a Bill of Rights is little more than polticking. Call it what it is: garbage. It's nothing more than a list of talking points you hope will score points with the elderly come 2010 and 2012.

Want ideas for health care reform?

  1. Get out of the way! - You people in DC do more harm than good with every bill you pass

  2. Allow insurance companies to sell across state lines

  3. End medicare, social security, etc now. Use the census data to determine how many seniors are alive. Allow those who are 40 or 45+ to participate since they have already paid in for more than half their working life. As the population of currently 40+ dwindles (as it will every year) reduce those taxes by that percentage each year.

  4. READ THE CONSTITUTION! You have no right or authority for 90% of what you legislate.

  5. Tort reform. Yes, it's a bit like cannibalism, since you flesh-eating zombies in DC are mostly a bunch of ambulance chasers turned elected despot, but cut down on the frivolous lawsuits and cap potential gains and the cost of health care won't go up every year.

I'm always available if you need more real ideas about how to lead this country by way of the Constitution. I may not get milions of votes each year because I haven't sold my soul, but I know how to read and I know the difference between right and wrong...which apparently, is more than anyone can say for you people!